Discover Saskatoon

Roxy Theatre Sound Bath

Event Thursday May 23rd
Time 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Join Darren for an hour long full moon sound bath experience in the historic Roxy Theatre. Bask in the surroundings of one of the last atmospheric theatres in Canada while Darren plays a shruti box, crystal singing bowls and chimes to transport you into a deep state of relaxation.

There are 2 admission options, general seating. This will allow you to enjoy the sound bath in the theatre seats. Stage seating is on the stage with Darren, and you will have the opportunity to lay down during the sound bath.

$23.33 general theatre seating
$33.30 premium seating on stage

Benefits of joining in on our sound bath include:
☺️ Deep Relaxation
? Release of Anxiety
? Drift away into sleep
? Release stress
? Questioning why you are the only one awake while everyone else is snoring

320 20th Street
Saskatoon SK s7M0X2

Poster for Roxy Theatre Sound Bath
Date: Thu, May 23 2024

320 20th Street
Saskatoon SK s7M0X2

Location: Roxy Theatre
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Price: $23.33
Phone: 3067173214
Roxy Theatre Sound Bath

320 20th Street
Saskatoon SK s7M0X2